Thursday, May 2, 2013

CM Blog Circle- Shooting Through Glass

This months CM blog circle photography challenge was to shoot through glass. 
While on a brief trip out of town I decided to focus on some of the sites in the downtown area. I started my morning off at a local bakery. Who can resist the smell of fresh baked bread? 

During my stroll around the city I came upon a quaint little church and noticed the sunlight shining through this beautiful stained glass window.  It was impossible to photograph it without the reflective glare of the power lines overhead. At first I found them to be very distracting and almost deleted the photo, but the more I looked at the image the more I decided to embrace the geometric pattern.

As I continued my walk and enjoyed a bit of window shopping, my eyes were captivated by these yellow submarines and hanging bits of confetti!

Thanks for stopping by! Now pop on over to Holly's blog and see her creative interpretation of this months challenge!